OCLC Research publiceert resultaten internationaal linked data-onderzoek

Karen Smith-Yoshimura, Senior Program Officer van het OCLC Research Library Partnership, hield dit jaar een International Linked Data Survey onder metadata managers. De resultaten van dit onderzoek zijn nu beschikbaar.

81 instellingen uit 20 landen reageerden op de enquête en beschreven 104 linked dataprojecten en -diensten die ofwel zijn geïmplementeerd ofwel geïmplementeerd zullen worden. Een onderzoek in 2015 leverde een respons op van 71 instellingen en 112 linked dataprojecten. Van de huidige 104 genoemde projecten waren er slechts 42 eerder beschreven.

Infodocket zette een aantal highlights uit het onderzoek op een rij:


  • “This was the first time we received responses from service providers, which provide linked data services for their customers.
  • 40% of the linked data implementations in production that were described in the 2018 survey have been in production for more than four years.
  • More respondents reported that their linked data project or service was successful or “mostly” successful in 2018 than in 2015 (56% compared to 41%); fewer didn’t know yet as their projects were still at an early stage (either not yet in production or implemented just recently).
  • Among those publishing linked data, we observe substantial increases in the use of Schema.org and BibFrame, and decreased usage of SKOS and FOAF, in particular.
  • Among the top ten linked data sources consumed, the biggest change was the surge in consuming Wikidata, more than four times that reported by respondents in 2015. This change was so marked, that Smith-Yoshimura wrote about it on HangingTogether in the post The rise of Wikidata as a linked data source. There were also big increases in consuming WorldCat.org and ISNI.”

Meer informatie is te vinden op www.oclc.org

(Beeld: pixabay.com)