Het overzicht is ingedeeld in zes categorieën, die uiteenlopen van ‘Lower Risk’ via ‘Endangered’ tot ‘Practically Extinct’. Tot de laatste categorie ‘Zo goed als uitgestorven’ worden onder andere gerekend Videotex-datadiensten en prikborddiensten (BelNet, Prestel, Videotex NL, Minitel) en ook TeleText. Er is acute actie nodig om te zorgen dat de data die nog beschikbaar is, wordt opgenomen in een digitaal archief gericht op langetermijnopslag, aldus de NCDD.
William Kilbride, Executive Director van de Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) legt uit waarom het van belang is aandacht te vragen voor de bedreigde digitale informatie: ‘While this might not be seen as critical information, and the service has been replaced by a modern equivalent, it matters for two reasons. Our libraries and archives have good collections of printed newspapers: but for the late 70’s, 80’s and 1990’s there’s a gap relating to this genre of online news. That’s a concern for historians and journalists. But more importantly, it demonstrates the trend to data loss, even for popular and well-funded services. That matters to us all.’
Snelle actie is vereist
De DPC roept op tot snelle actie. ‘They observe that in all cases assessment is needed quickly as the scale of the challenge gets bigger and bigger, as the importance, scale and complexity of data grows. In some cases, they are calling for industry regulators to become involved to impose more onerous stipulations for the preservation of digital material. The IT industry will certainly be asked to take responsibility for ensuring that simple preservation functions can be built into infrastructure, so that objects and code are robust at the point of creation rather than having to be reconstructed afterwards. Regulatory reform is also required. While there is a very active and very capable global community of digital preservation expertise, their efforts to preserve digital materials are often thwarted by copyright laws. There are some exceptions to these laws to enable copies to be made for preservation purposes, but these have not always kept pace with technological advancements or apply universally to all preservation activities,’ aldus de DPC.
Het volledige overzicht van de (in meerdere of mindere mate) als ‘bedreigd’ gekwalificeerde informatie is te vinden op de website van de Digital Preservation Coalition.
De Bit List blijft openstaan voor nieuwe nominaties uit de preserveringscommunity.